This Blog Is Moving To!

June marks my three year blogging anniversary, which is absolutely crazy. Three years ago, I was a college freshman who decided to start a blog on a whim. If you had asked me then if I would still be blogging today, I would have probably said no. I was just doing it as a way to entertain myself for the Summer.

Since then I've learned so much about blogging, and about myself. Over the past three years, I found myself thinking so many times that I would do things differently if I was given the chance to start this blog again. Although I've loved writing here at A Summer Of Love, the sun is finally setting on this blog. I was inspired to completely take a chance and build something new!

You may have already been reading my #Graduatista themed posts here, and I hope you enjoyed them because Graduatista is launching "full-time"! I will be blogging at three days a week starting immediately.

Logistics: if you are already following me via Bloglovin' you do not have to do anything on your end to continue reading my posts on Graduatista. You will automatically be transferred over, and can stay up-to-date with me. Same for Twitter and Instagram; if you're already following me you don't have to take any further action. I will be updating my current accounts to @graduatista.

IF you are following me on Google Friend Connect, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog on Bloglovin'. The button to do so is in the sidebar to the right.

Thank you for your continued support. I am SO excited to be starting this new adventure and cannot wait to continue to write more of what I am passionate about.

For the last time,

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